Friday, March 16, 2012

Dental Confessions...

I swear going to the dentist is like going to confession...."Forgive me father for I have sinned. It's been over 1 year since my last cleaning. I just didn't have the time nor do I floss every single day. For these things I am truly sorry." Fr. Dentist replies "I forgive you of your sins my child but here is your penance. I will take this Dremil tool and grind your teeth with it for 25 minutes whilst pulling your lips as far away from your face as I can. Now I will cover you teeth with this special gel. Then you must fast of all food and drink for 90 minutes and NO red wine or coffee today. AT ALL! This will cleanse your soul. Go in peace but come back in two weeks I found a filling we should replace. Amen"

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